Thursday, June 7, 2007

~The Outsiders~ CHARACTERS!!


-Ponyboy: Parents
-Johnny: Parents
-Dally: Dad
-Sodapop: Parents
-Darry: Parents

-Steve: Dad
-Two-Bit: Mom

-Tim Shepard
-Curly Shepard
-Brumly Boys

-Bob: Parents
-Randy: Parents
-Cherry: Parents
-Paul Holdon

-Children in fire

-Mr. Syme
-Police Officer

Characters as Different Actors

Ponyboy- Leonardo Dicaprio because he’s innocent and wouldn’t hurt a fly
Johnny- Elijah Wood because he is always afraid and innocent, and has a puppy dog face
Dally- Kiefer Sutherland because he has the mean look in his eyes, and can act mean to people
Sodapop- Josh Hartnet because he is handsome, like Soda and sensitive
Darry- Dennis Quaid because he’s a tough, older man
Steve- Christian Bale because he looks a bit like Tom Cruise and fits “Steve’s” personality which is funny and tough
Two-Bit- Johnny Depp because he is hilarious when acting as a funny person in movies and can tell jokes like Two-Bit

Bob- Ewan McGregor because he can act the part as a drunk and looks rich
Randy- Keanu Reeves because he looks sensitive and unhappy
Cherry- Kirsten Dunst because of her red hair (sometimes red) and the way she acts like Cherry

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