Wednesday, May 30, 2007

~Chapter 12~ OUTSIDERS!

Chapter 12

1. The circumstances that Pony's teacher refers to him is being sick. Pony thinks he's refering to all the trouble that he caused because now nobody talked to him and they were scared of him.

2. Ponyboy doesn't feel scared anymore because he had about enough with these Socs and wanted to show them that he was tough. This is a dramatic change for Pony because he was always innocent and scared when the Socs came.

3. Darry means that you just can't give up on life if you lost someone because they would have wanted you to keep on going.

4. We know that Sandy really didn't love Soda because she sent back the letter he sent to her and she didn't even open it up.

5. Darry and Pony play tug of war with Soda because they are always making him choose sides whether it's Darry or Pony and Soda doesn't want to do that to both his brothers.

6. What we learn that was so special about Johnny was that he never cared or thought about himself. He was real proud for saving those kids because they had a longer life to live. Johnny was happy and couldn't be happier to end his life that way.

7. Ponyboy ends up doing his essay on the three boys that died, Bob, Dally and Johnny. He wanted to tell people what had happened to them that week because they were all heroes.

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