Thursday, June 7, 2007

~The Outsiders~ CHARACTERS!!


-Ponyboy: Parents
-Johnny: Parents
-Dally: Dad
-Sodapop: Parents
-Darry: Parents

-Steve: Dad
-Two-Bit: Mom

-Tim Shepard
-Curly Shepard
-Brumly Boys

-Bob: Parents
-Randy: Parents
-Cherry: Parents
-Paul Holdon

-Children in fire

-Mr. Syme
-Police Officer

Characters as Different Actors

Ponyboy- Leonardo Dicaprio because he’s innocent and wouldn’t hurt a fly
Johnny- Elijah Wood because he is always afraid and innocent, and has a puppy dog face
Dally- Kiefer Sutherland because he has the mean look in his eyes, and can act mean to people
Sodapop- Josh Hartnet because he is handsome, like Soda and sensitive
Darry- Dennis Quaid because he’s a tough, older man
Steve- Christian Bale because he looks a bit like Tom Cruise and fits “Steve’s” personality which is funny and tough
Two-Bit- Johnny Depp because he is hilarious when acting as a funny person in movies and can tell jokes like Two-Bit

Bob- Ewan McGregor because he can act the part as a drunk and looks rich
Randy- Keanu Reeves because he looks sensitive and unhappy
Cherry- Kirsten Dunst because of her red hair (sometimes red) and the way she acts like Cherry

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

~Chapter 12~ OUTSIDERS!

Chapter 12

1. The circumstances that Pony's teacher refers to him is being sick. Pony thinks he's refering to all the trouble that he caused because now nobody talked to him and they were scared of him.

2. Ponyboy doesn't feel scared anymore because he had about enough with these Socs and wanted to show them that he was tough. This is a dramatic change for Pony because he was always innocent and scared when the Socs came.

3. Darry means that you just can't give up on life if you lost someone because they would have wanted you to keep on going.

4. We know that Sandy really didn't love Soda because she sent back the letter he sent to her and she didn't even open it up.

5. Darry and Pony play tug of war with Soda because they are always making him choose sides whether it's Darry or Pony and Soda doesn't want to do that to both his brothers.

6. What we learn that was so special about Johnny was that he never cared or thought about himself. He was real proud for saving those kids because they had a longer life to live. Johnny was happy and couldn't be happier to end his life that way.

7. Ponyboy ends up doing his essay on the three boys that died, Bob, Dally and Johnny. He wanted to tell people what had happened to them that week because they were all heroes.

~Chapter 11~ OUTSIDERS!

Chapter 11


Acquitted- declare not guilty

The jury acquitted the defendant.

1. Pony might want anyone's hate then their pity because he wouldn't want people feeling sorry for them when they did a bad thing, he would want their hatred.

2. I think Pony was just getting upset and saying things that weren't true because he was still sick.

~Chapter 10~ OUTSIDERS!

Chapter 10


Indignantly- feeling or expressing strong displeasure to something offensive or insulting

The kid was indignantly hurting that boy's feelings.

1. When Pony dreams and lies to himself, he was saying that Johnny wasn't really dead and that helped Pony think that he was still alive.

2. Johnny's dying was difficult for Dally because he was the only person Dally loved and cared about.

3. I think Dally would have wanted to die because he was always getting arrested for doing terrible things and had nothing else to live for anymore when Johnny died.

Monday, May 28, 2007

~Chapter 9~ OUTSIDERS!

Chapter 9

1. The comment he makes is, "What kind of world is it where all I have to be proud of is a reputation for being a hood, and greasy hair?" He is saying that people are just judging Greasers on their hair and style of clothes without getting to know them.

2. Soda likes fights because it's action, like a contest, drag race or dance. When Steve fights, he wants to stomp the other guys head in. Darry likes fights to show off his strength and muscles. Two-Bit only fights because everyone else does. Pony is different from them because he's too young and innocent and he just wants everyone to get along, because everyone is the same, Soc and Greaser.

3. The difference between Tim Shepard's gang and Ponyboy's is that Tim was the leader of his, and they were organized where in Pony's, they all stuck together being their own leader. Pony feels that they would have the upper hand because Greasers didn't have have someone telling them how to fight, and they weren't strict like Tim.

4. I think Johnny's last words, "Stay gold" to Pony meant that Pony was gold and he shouldn't change who he was, smart and looking at sunsets because that is the kind of person he was.

~Chapter 8~ OUTSIDERS!

Chapter 8

1. What the doctor says is, "He's been asking for them. It can't hurt now." He forshadows that Johnny is in bad condition because he was saying that he was going to die, so his friends should see him before he does die.

2. Pony means that Johnny makes up the whole gang, and if he dies then no one would get along anymore because they were his family.

3. Pony means that if it was anyone else other than Johnny who was going to die, then it didn't matter because Johnny meant more to the gang then anyone else.

4. Darry would be a Soc because he would have gone to play football in College where the Socs go and he wouldn't have to worry about family.

5. Cherry means that he was special than anyone else and that he could be sweet and kind when he wasn't drunk.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

~Chapter 7~ OUTSIDERS!

Chapter 7

1. What Pony meant when he said Soda, "reminds me of a colt" was that he was like a horse getting his nose in to everything.

2. Johnny was in critical condition. He had a broken back from the falling timbers and he was suffering from third degree burns.

3. Being crippled would be worse for Johnny then anyone else because then he couldn't play football with his friends and he would have to stay at his home where he wasn't wanted for the rest of his life.

4. When people are sleeping, I think they would look younger, only depending on their dreams because they could dream of being young again or thinking of all the fun times while being a kid.

5. Juvenile Deliquent- a minor who cannot be controlled by parental authority; using violence or vandalism

6. Two-Bit thought that Dally, Johnny and Ponyboy were heroes all along before saving the kids because Pony stood up to the Socs and spat in their faces, and Johnny killed the boy that beat him up. Dally was a hero because he helped get Johnny and Pony out before the cops got to them.

7. Bob's 'real' problem, according to Randy was that his parents always blamed themselves for something that was really Bob's fault and he wanted someone to finally tell him 'no'.

8. Pony thought it was better to think that Socs were 'just guys' because they were just like ordinary people. Greasers were normal people too, they were just called that because of their hair.