Monday, May 28, 2007

~Chapter 9~ OUTSIDERS!

Chapter 9

1. The comment he makes is, "What kind of world is it where all I have to be proud of is a reputation for being a hood, and greasy hair?" He is saying that people are just judging Greasers on their hair and style of clothes without getting to know them.

2. Soda likes fights because it's action, like a contest, drag race or dance. When Steve fights, he wants to stomp the other guys head in. Darry likes fights to show off his strength and muscles. Two-Bit only fights because everyone else does. Pony is different from them because he's too young and innocent and he just wants everyone to get along, because everyone is the same, Soc and Greaser.

3. The difference between Tim Shepard's gang and Ponyboy's is that Tim was the leader of his, and they were organized where in Pony's, they all stuck together being their own leader. Pony feels that they would have the upper hand because Greasers didn't have have someone telling them how to fight, and they weren't strict like Tim.

4. I think Johnny's last words, "Stay gold" to Pony meant that Pony was gold and he shouldn't change who he was, smart and looking at sunsets because that is the kind of person he was.

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