Monday, May 28, 2007

~Chapter 8~ OUTSIDERS!

Chapter 8

1. What the doctor says is, "He's been asking for them. It can't hurt now." He forshadows that Johnny is in bad condition because he was saying that he was going to die, so his friends should see him before he does die.

2. Pony means that Johnny makes up the whole gang, and if he dies then no one would get along anymore because they were his family.

3. Pony means that if it was anyone else other than Johnny who was going to die, then it didn't matter because Johnny meant more to the gang then anyone else.

4. Darry would be a Soc because he would have gone to play football in College where the Socs go and he wouldn't have to worry about family.

5. Cherry means that he was special than anyone else and that he could be sweet and kind when he wasn't drunk.

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