Thursday, June 7, 2007

~The Outsiders~ CHARACTERS!!


-Ponyboy: Parents
-Johnny: Parents
-Dally: Dad
-Sodapop: Parents
-Darry: Parents

-Steve: Dad
-Two-Bit: Mom

-Tim Shepard
-Curly Shepard
-Brumly Boys

-Bob: Parents
-Randy: Parents
-Cherry: Parents
-Paul Holdon

-Children in fire

-Mr. Syme
-Police Officer

Characters as Different Actors

Ponyboy- Leonardo Dicaprio because he’s innocent and wouldn’t hurt a fly
Johnny- Elijah Wood because he is always afraid and innocent, and has a puppy dog face
Dally- Kiefer Sutherland because he has the mean look in his eyes, and can act mean to people
Sodapop- Josh Hartnet because he is handsome, like Soda and sensitive
Darry- Dennis Quaid because he’s a tough, older man
Steve- Christian Bale because he looks a bit like Tom Cruise and fits “Steve’s” personality which is funny and tough
Two-Bit- Johnny Depp because he is hilarious when acting as a funny person in movies and can tell jokes like Two-Bit

Bob- Ewan McGregor because he can act the part as a drunk and looks rich
Randy- Keanu Reeves because he looks sensitive and unhappy
Cherry- Kirsten Dunst because of her red hair (sometimes red) and the way she acts like Cherry

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

~Chapter 12~ OUTSIDERS!

Chapter 12

1. The circumstances that Pony's teacher refers to him is being sick. Pony thinks he's refering to all the trouble that he caused because now nobody talked to him and they were scared of him.

2. Ponyboy doesn't feel scared anymore because he had about enough with these Socs and wanted to show them that he was tough. This is a dramatic change for Pony because he was always innocent and scared when the Socs came.

3. Darry means that you just can't give up on life if you lost someone because they would have wanted you to keep on going.

4. We know that Sandy really didn't love Soda because she sent back the letter he sent to her and she didn't even open it up.

5. Darry and Pony play tug of war with Soda because they are always making him choose sides whether it's Darry or Pony and Soda doesn't want to do that to both his brothers.

6. What we learn that was so special about Johnny was that he never cared or thought about himself. He was real proud for saving those kids because they had a longer life to live. Johnny was happy and couldn't be happier to end his life that way.

7. Ponyboy ends up doing his essay on the three boys that died, Bob, Dally and Johnny. He wanted to tell people what had happened to them that week because they were all heroes.

~Chapter 11~ OUTSIDERS!

Chapter 11


Acquitted- declare not guilty

The jury acquitted the defendant.

1. Pony might want anyone's hate then their pity because he wouldn't want people feeling sorry for them when they did a bad thing, he would want their hatred.

2. I think Pony was just getting upset and saying things that weren't true because he was still sick.

~Chapter 10~ OUTSIDERS!

Chapter 10


Indignantly- feeling or expressing strong displeasure to something offensive or insulting

The kid was indignantly hurting that boy's feelings.

1. When Pony dreams and lies to himself, he was saying that Johnny wasn't really dead and that helped Pony think that he was still alive.

2. Johnny's dying was difficult for Dally because he was the only person Dally loved and cared about.

3. I think Dally would have wanted to die because he was always getting arrested for doing terrible things and had nothing else to live for anymore when Johnny died.

Monday, May 28, 2007

~Chapter 9~ OUTSIDERS!

Chapter 9

1. The comment he makes is, "What kind of world is it where all I have to be proud of is a reputation for being a hood, and greasy hair?" He is saying that people are just judging Greasers on their hair and style of clothes without getting to know them.

2. Soda likes fights because it's action, like a contest, drag race or dance. When Steve fights, he wants to stomp the other guys head in. Darry likes fights to show off his strength and muscles. Two-Bit only fights because everyone else does. Pony is different from them because he's too young and innocent and he just wants everyone to get along, because everyone is the same, Soc and Greaser.

3. The difference between Tim Shepard's gang and Ponyboy's is that Tim was the leader of his, and they were organized where in Pony's, they all stuck together being their own leader. Pony feels that they would have the upper hand because Greasers didn't have have someone telling them how to fight, and they weren't strict like Tim.

4. I think Johnny's last words, "Stay gold" to Pony meant that Pony was gold and he shouldn't change who he was, smart and looking at sunsets because that is the kind of person he was.

~Chapter 8~ OUTSIDERS!

Chapter 8

1. What the doctor says is, "He's been asking for them. It can't hurt now." He forshadows that Johnny is in bad condition because he was saying that he was going to die, so his friends should see him before he does die.

2. Pony means that Johnny makes up the whole gang, and if he dies then no one would get along anymore because they were his family.

3. Pony means that if it was anyone else other than Johnny who was going to die, then it didn't matter because Johnny meant more to the gang then anyone else.

4. Darry would be a Soc because he would have gone to play football in College where the Socs go and he wouldn't have to worry about family.

5. Cherry means that he was special than anyone else and that he could be sweet and kind when he wasn't drunk.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

~Chapter 7~ OUTSIDERS!

Chapter 7

1. What Pony meant when he said Soda, "reminds me of a colt" was that he was like a horse getting his nose in to everything.

2. Johnny was in critical condition. He had a broken back from the falling timbers and he was suffering from third degree burns.

3. Being crippled would be worse for Johnny then anyone else because then he couldn't play football with his friends and he would have to stay at his home where he wasn't wanted for the rest of his life.

4. When people are sleeping, I think they would look younger, only depending on their dreams because they could dream of being young again or thinking of all the fun times while being a kid.

5. Juvenile Deliquent- a minor who cannot be controlled by parental authority; using violence or vandalism

6. Two-Bit thought that Dally, Johnny and Ponyboy were heroes all along before saving the kids because Pony stood up to the Socs and spat in their faces, and Johnny killed the boy that beat him up. Dally was a hero because he helped get Johnny and Pony out before the cops got to them.

7. Bob's 'real' problem, according to Randy was that his parents always blamed themselves for something that was really Bob's fault and he wanted someone to finally tell him 'no'.

8. Pony thought it was better to think that Socs were 'just guys' because they were just like ordinary people. Greasers were normal people too, they were just called that because of their hair.

~Chapter 6~ OUTSIDERS!

Chapter 6


Bewildered- completely puzzled or confused

I was bewildered at the sight of the car crash.

1. Yes, Dally's parents influenced him to be the way he was because if his parents don't care about him, then he has no one to look up to for help, so he learnt to be mean like his parents were to him.

2. Dally doesn't want Johnny to turn himself in because he is just sixteen years old and he doesn't want him to go through all that pain in jail the way Dally did. Besides, he didn't want Johnny to become mean in jail like Dally.

3. The other side of Dallas is the side that cares about a person other then himself.

4. My defintion of a hero is someone who helps another person with courage. Yes the three boys do fit my definition because they all had the bravery to jump into that burning church to save a bunch of little kids.

5. I don't think Johnny was scared because he knew that he was doing this to save young children with a whole life to live and he was proud to help.

Friday, May 25, 2007

~Chapter 5~ OUTSIDERS!

Chapter 5


Reluctantly- struggling in opposition

Sullen- showing irritation or ill humor

Eluded- to avoid or escape by speed, cleverness or trickery

Imploringly- to beg piteosly or urgently for

Gallant- brave, spirited and noble-minded

Indignant- feeling/ expressing strong displeasure

In the city of New York, lives a gallant man named Carl. He moved there away from his family to work as a dentist. Then, one cold night, he heard screams and implores coming from inside a building. He started to run and saw a house on fire with people still inside! Carl wondered why they weren't eluding or that the firemen weren't here yet. So, he went in himself and almost got everyone out, when he saw another kid inside the closet, not moving. Carl was reluctant and couldn't decide what to do. The kid started to scream and yell, and Carl finally saved him, but then past out. When he woke up, he was in his own house, with his family again. He didn't take this very sullenly. Then he saw his wife with his ticket to New York. He had this strong, indignant feeling that he had a vision of the future, when he was in New York. Carl then told his wife that he was going to stay home, and work from his home place.

1. Pony has a problem with Johnny wanting to disguise themselves because that meant that they had to cut off their long, greasy hair, and Pony also had to bleach it blonde!

2. What Pony meant when he said, "I'm supposed to be the deep one", was that he was supposed to be the smart one to figure the story out first, but Johnny understood it before Pony.
3. Johnny thinks Dally is a hero because he took the blame for breaking a school window, when Two-Bit was the one who really did it. I don't think he should be called a hero, because he was only being a good friend, not getting Two-Bit in to trouble.

4. Pony realized that he didn't like Dally because he wasn't like anyone else in the gang, he was mean and tough. What he means is that Dally isn't like any of the hero's in the novels he reads, he is real and it scares Pony.

5. I think the poem, "Nothing gold can stay" means that when something good comes along, it will go away, just like a kid, it will spend its time as a kid having fun and playing, but will then have to grow up. This might apply to the Greasers or the Socs because they will always fight eachother, but one day, someone will end up dead because fighting doesn't solve anything.

6. I am like my mom because we look the same, we are both smart, funny and she understands me, like my sister.

7. When Pony said, "i drink Pepsis like a fiend", he meant that he's really addicted to Pepsi and it is like a habit to drink them.

8. A heater is a gun that Dally carries around. He uses it for bluffs to trick people into thinking it's loaded when it really isn't.

9. The Greasers and Socs are fighting in the vacant lot because they want the Socs out of their territiory, for good.

10. Cherry is the spy for the Greasers. No I'm not surprised because I found out in Chapter 3 that she loved Dally, but was afraid to love him, and she was Pony and Johnny's 'friend'.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

~Chapter 4~ OUTSIDERS!

Chapter 4


Ruefully- causing sorrow or pity

Hermit- a person living in seclusion

Premonition- a forewarning; feeling that something will happen in the future

There was a man named Martin who believed in something different and had a gift. Every once in a while, he would get a premonition and see what is yet to come which is very strange to other people. So, he was always hermited from the rest of the crowd. Sometimes, his visions of the future, would be rueful to the people who he tells, and gets in to trouble. Now, he keeps his gift to himself, and helps no one.

1. When Pony said the Socs were "reeling pickled", he meant that they were very drunk.

2. The major event that happens is that Johnny killed a Soc named Bob, for drowning Pony, and now they have to run away before they get caught.

3. The author foreshadows that Johnny was going to use his knife in Chapter 2 because when he got jumped, he said that he was going to carry a switchblade with him in case he was attacked again.

4. If Johnny and Ponyboy came for my advice instead of Dally's, I would do the same thing. I would do what Dally said because if they killed somebody, they are now wanted so they need to hide someplace where the police can't find them.

~Chapter 3~ OUTSIDERS!

Chapter 3


Aloof- at a distance; apart

Impersonally- not personal; lacking human emotion and warmth

Ornery- stubborn and unpleasant

Resignedly- characterized by giving up something

A tired old woman resigned at an old age, because she was about to retire anyway. This woman was no ordinary woman, she was ornery and mean to young kids! Everyone hated her, but she took it impersonally, not seriously. So after she left her job, she decided to stay aloof from the rest of her town, and moved back to her hometown, with her family.

1. Cherry explains that the difference between Socs and Greasers are that Greasers are more emotional and Socs are more sophisticated which means they feel cool to the point where they feel nothing.

2. Ponyboy meant that they knew what the other person was thinking or about to say without words because they were such good buddies. Yes, my sister and I know what the other was saying without talking to each other.

3. Pony's parents died in a car crash, eight months ago.

4. When Pony came home, Darry started to yell at him and then Ponyboy yelled back at him for yelling at Soda, so he hit Ponyboy across the face, which caused Pony to run out of the house.

5. Johnny likes it better when his father is hitting him because they know he's there and they don't care, if he comes home late or if he doesn't come home at all.

6. The author foreshadows that something bad is about to come because she says, "Things gotta get better. They couldn't get worse. I was wrong."

~Chapter 2~ OUTSIDERS!

Chapter 2


Incredulous- to not show belief

Vaguely- lack of clear sight/ understanding

Nonchalantly- unexcited

In the morning of a Wednesday, Jesse was just about ready for school. He liked to take his time to get dressed because he was very nonchalant about school. When he was finally ready, his mom drove him. The bell rang and Jesse could vaguely see the school doors. He kept walking into other kids, and when he finally got inside, he saw a blur! Jesse yelled for anyone to answer, and then the principal came over to talk to him. Jesse told him that he couldn’t see, so he took him to the nurse and they called his mom. When she came, he got the news that he needed glasses. Jesse would be so incredulous to himself if people saw him with glasses! The nurse told him that loads of kids wear them and they aren’t ashamed about that. Jesse now wears glasses and can see clearly and doesn’t care what the other ones say about him!

1. The fuzz is another word for the cops, which the Greasers refer to them as.

2. No, Sodapop and Ponyboy are there real names because that is what it says on their birth certificates.

3. Cherry and Marcia are Soc girls that Ponyboy and Johnny met at the drive-in. They are cheerleaders at the same school as Ponyboy and Cherry’s real name is Sheri.

4. Ponyboy doesn’t like referring Sodapop to a dropout because then people would misinterpret that Sodapop was a dropout living on the streets like a poor, dumb hoodlum.

5. When Ponyboy compares Two-Bit to a “chessy cat”, he means that he was playing around like a young child or a cat. This could also be personification besides a simile.

6. A weed is slang for a cigarette.

7. Dally looked sick after seeing Johnny all beaten up by the Socs because he was their friend and it was hard to see your friend swollen and cut all over the face.

8. The literary device that the author uses to describe Johnny's mugging is characterization because she was saying how he felt and how he looked like when he was beaten up.

~Chapter 1~ OUTSIDERS!

Chapter 1

1. Ponyboy Curtis-
- youngest in the Greasers gang, fourteen years old
- very smart and likes to read
- parents died and has two older brothers, Sodapop and Darry
- hates Darry and likes Sodapop better

Darrel (Darry) Curtis-
- Ponyboy’s oldest brother, he is twenty years old
- very strict when taking care of Ponyboy and Sodapop
- he looked like his father and everyone had mistook him as his father’s “brother”

Sodapop Curtis-
- Ponyboy’s other brother, sixteen going on seventeen
- works at a gas station full-time with his best friend, Steve
- always standing up for Ponyboy when Darry is mean to him
- has a girlfriend, Sandy, whom he wants to marry
- very handsome, but dumb because he dropped out of school

Johnny Cade-
- shy one in the gang
- second youngest, sixteen years old
- dad beats him
- got jumped by the Socs and was injured badly, now he is paranoid
- has a puppy dog look on his face

Keith (Two-Bit) Matthews-
- enjoys school
- likes to joke around a lot
- never acts serious
- oldest in the gang, eighteen years old
- likes the blonde's

Dallas (Dally) Winston-
- the toughest of the group
- has a reputation for stealing, lying, riding at rodeos and jumping young kids
- ears like a lynx
- likes to draw pictures

Steve Randle-
- best friends with Sodapop
- dislikes Ponyboy
- likes to fix and steal cars
- seventeen years old
- works with Sodapop part-time

2. Socs-
- very rich
- live in the West Side
- own nice cars and have a good education
- get all the rich girls
- like to fight with the Greasers for no reason

- low class
- East Side
- old cars
- poor education
- get in to rodeo fights and fights with the Socs
- always stick together

3. Ponyboy’s relationship between Darry and Sodapop differ because they treat him differently. Darry treats him like he’s a little kid because when Ponyboy is doing his homework, Darry tells him to play football, and when he is playing football, he tells him to do his homework. He is very strict to Ponyboy and tells him what to do, at fourteen years old. Sodapop is laid back, and is always on Ponyboy’s side. When Darry yells at Ponyboy like a child, Sodapop will step in and defend Ponyboy. Darry never disobeys what Sodapop has to say so he would stop.

4. The gang is very important to Johnny because they are his family. This is because his father often abuses Johnny and that causes him to put himself down. Sometimes, Johnny would like to run away from his father, but then remembers what else he has to live for, and that is his real family, the Greasers gang.

5. When Sodapop told Ponyboy that Darry really does love him, he didn’t believe him because he knows that Darry doesn’t really love anyone, except Sodapop. Ponyboy hates Darry for not even showing that he loves him.

6. Yes, I do think Darry loves him but he was just scared to tell him and show him. I know if he didn't love him, he would ignore him, like Johnny's mom does to him, but Darry is always asking about Pony so he doesn't get hurt.

7. I think he means that he never believes in himself so he lie’s to himself when he makes a mistake or doesn’t do the right thing. No, I don’t do that because I have confidence in myself always and I never put myself down when I do something wrong.