Thursday, May 24, 2007

~Chapter 2~ OUTSIDERS!

Chapter 2


Incredulous- to not show belief

Vaguely- lack of clear sight/ understanding

Nonchalantly- unexcited

In the morning of a Wednesday, Jesse was just about ready for school. He liked to take his time to get dressed because he was very nonchalant about school. When he was finally ready, his mom drove him. The bell rang and Jesse could vaguely see the school doors. He kept walking into other kids, and when he finally got inside, he saw a blur! Jesse yelled for anyone to answer, and then the principal came over to talk to him. Jesse told him that he couldn’t see, so he took him to the nurse and they called his mom. When she came, he got the news that he needed glasses. Jesse would be so incredulous to himself if people saw him with glasses! The nurse told him that loads of kids wear them and they aren’t ashamed about that. Jesse now wears glasses and can see clearly and doesn’t care what the other ones say about him!

1. The fuzz is another word for the cops, which the Greasers refer to them as.

2. No, Sodapop and Ponyboy are there real names because that is what it says on their birth certificates.

3. Cherry and Marcia are Soc girls that Ponyboy and Johnny met at the drive-in. They are cheerleaders at the same school as Ponyboy and Cherry’s real name is Sheri.

4. Ponyboy doesn’t like referring Sodapop to a dropout because then people would misinterpret that Sodapop was a dropout living on the streets like a poor, dumb hoodlum.

5. When Ponyboy compares Two-Bit to a “chessy cat”, he means that he was playing around like a young child or a cat. This could also be personification besides a simile.

6. A weed is slang for a cigarette.

7. Dally looked sick after seeing Johnny all beaten up by the Socs because he was their friend and it was hard to see your friend swollen and cut all over the face.

8. The literary device that the author uses to describe Johnny's mugging is characterization because she was saying how he felt and how he looked like when he was beaten up.

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