Friday, May 25, 2007

~Chapter 5~ OUTSIDERS!

Chapter 5


Reluctantly- struggling in opposition

Sullen- showing irritation or ill humor

Eluded- to avoid or escape by speed, cleverness or trickery

Imploringly- to beg piteosly or urgently for

Gallant- brave, spirited and noble-minded

Indignant- feeling/ expressing strong displeasure

In the city of New York, lives a gallant man named Carl. He moved there away from his family to work as a dentist. Then, one cold night, he heard screams and implores coming from inside a building. He started to run and saw a house on fire with people still inside! Carl wondered why they weren't eluding or that the firemen weren't here yet. So, he went in himself and almost got everyone out, when he saw another kid inside the closet, not moving. Carl was reluctant and couldn't decide what to do. The kid started to scream and yell, and Carl finally saved him, but then past out. When he woke up, he was in his own house, with his family again. He didn't take this very sullenly. Then he saw his wife with his ticket to New York. He had this strong, indignant feeling that he had a vision of the future, when he was in New York. Carl then told his wife that he was going to stay home, and work from his home place.

1. Pony has a problem with Johnny wanting to disguise themselves because that meant that they had to cut off their long, greasy hair, and Pony also had to bleach it blonde!

2. What Pony meant when he said, "I'm supposed to be the deep one", was that he was supposed to be the smart one to figure the story out first, but Johnny understood it before Pony.
3. Johnny thinks Dally is a hero because he took the blame for breaking a school window, when Two-Bit was the one who really did it. I don't think he should be called a hero, because he was only being a good friend, not getting Two-Bit in to trouble.

4. Pony realized that he didn't like Dally because he wasn't like anyone else in the gang, he was mean and tough. What he means is that Dally isn't like any of the hero's in the novels he reads, he is real and it scares Pony.

5. I think the poem, "Nothing gold can stay" means that when something good comes along, it will go away, just like a kid, it will spend its time as a kid having fun and playing, but will then have to grow up. This might apply to the Greasers or the Socs because they will always fight eachother, but one day, someone will end up dead because fighting doesn't solve anything.

6. I am like my mom because we look the same, we are both smart, funny and she understands me, like my sister.

7. When Pony said, "i drink Pepsis like a fiend", he meant that he's really addicted to Pepsi and it is like a habit to drink them.

8. A heater is a gun that Dally carries around. He uses it for bluffs to trick people into thinking it's loaded when it really isn't.

9. The Greasers and Socs are fighting in the vacant lot because they want the Socs out of their territiory, for good.

10. Cherry is the spy for the Greasers. No I'm not surprised because I found out in Chapter 3 that she loved Dally, but was afraid to love him, and she was Pony and Johnny's 'friend'.

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