Saturday, May 26, 2007

~Chapter 6~ OUTSIDERS!

Chapter 6


Bewildered- completely puzzled or confused

I was bewildered at the sight of the car crash.

1. Yes, Dally's parents influenced him to be the way he was because if his parents don't care about him, then he has no one to look up to for help, so he learnt to be mean like his parents were to him.

2. Dally doesn't want Johnny to turn himself in because he is just sixteen years old and he doesn't want him to go through all that pain in jail the way Dally did. Besides, he didn't want Johnny to become mean in jail like Dally.

3. The other side of Dallas is the side that cares about a person other then himself.

4. My defintion of a hero is someone who helps another person with courage. Yes the three boys do fit my definition because they all had the bravery to jump into that burning church to save a bunch of little kids.

5. I don't think Johnny was scared because he knew that he was doing this to save young children with a whole life to live and he was proud to help.

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