Thursday, May 24, 2007

~Chapter 3~ OUTSIDERS!

Chapter 3


Aloof- at a distance; apart

Impersonally- not personal; lacking human emotion and warmth

Ornery- stubborn and unpleasant

Resignedly- characterized by giving up something

A tired old woman resigned at an old age, because she was about to retire anyway. This woman was no ordinary woman, she was ornery and mean to young kids! Everyone hated her, but she took it impersonally, not seriously. So after she left her job, she decided to stay aloof from the rest of her town, and moved back to her hometown, with her family.

1. Cherry explains that the difference between Socs and Greasers are that Greasers are more emotional and Socs are more sophisticated which means they feel cool to the point where they feel nothing.

2. Ponyboy meant that they knew what the other person was thinking or about to say without words because they were such good buddies. Yes, my sister and I know what the other was saying without talking to each other.

3. Pony's parents died in a car crash, eight months ago.

4. When Pony came home, Darry started to yell at him and then Ponyboy yelled back at him for yelling at Soda, so he hit Ponyboy across the face, which caused Pony to run out of the house.

5. Johnny likes it better when his father is hitting him because they know he's there and they don't care, if he comes home late or if he doesn't come home at all.

6. The author foreshadows that something bad is about to come because she says, "Things gotta get better. They couldn't get worse. I was wrong."

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