Thursday, May 24, 2007

~Chapter 4~ OUTSIDERS!

Chapter 4


Ruefully- causing sorrow or pity

Hermit- a person living in seclusion

Premonition- a forewarning; feeling that something will happen in the future

There was a man named Martin who believed in something different and had a gift. Every once in a while, he would get a premonition and see what is yet to come which is very strange to other people. So, he was always hermited from the rest of the crowd. Sometimes, his visions of the future, would be rueful to the people who he tells, and gets in to trouble. Now, he keeps his gift to himself, and helps no one.

1. When Pony said the Socs were "reeling pickled", he meant that they were very drunk.

2. The major event that happens is that Johnny killed a Soc named Bob, for drowning Pony, and now they have to run away before they get caught.

3. The author foreshadows that Johnny was going to use his knife in Chapter 2 because when he got jumped, he said that he was going to carry a switchblade with him in case he was attacked again.

4. If Johnny and Ponyboy came for my advice instead of Dally's, I would do the same thing. I would do what Dally said because if they killed somebody, they are now wanted so they need to hide someplace where the police can't find them.

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