Thursday, May 24, 2007

~Chapter 1~ OUTSIDERS!

Chapter 1

1. Ponyboy Curtis-
- youngest in the Greasers gang, fourteen years old
- very smart and likes to read
- parents died and has two older brothers, Sodapop and Darry
- hates Darry and likes Sodapop better

Darrel (Darry) Curtis-
- Ponyboy’s oldest brother, he is twenty years old
- very strict when taking care of Ponyboy and Sodapop
- he looked like his father and everyone had mistook him as his father’s “brother”

Sodapop Curtis-
- Ponyboy’s other brother, sixteen going on seventeen
- works at a gas station full-time with his best friend, Steve
- always standing up for Ponyboy when Darry is mean to him
- has a girlfriend, Sandy, whom he wants to marry
- very handsome, but dumb because he dropped out of school

Johnny Cade-
- shy one in the gang
- second youngest, sixteen years old
- dad beats him
- got jumped by the Socs and was injured badly, now he is paranoid
- has a puppy dog look on his face

Keith (Two-Bit) Matthews-
- enjoys school
- likes to joke around a lot
- never acts serious
- oldest in the gang, eighteen years old
- likes the blonde's

Dallas (Dally) Winston-
- the toughest of the group
- has a reputation for stealing, lying, riding at rodeos and jumping young kids
- ears like a lynx
- likes to draw pictures

Steve Randle-
- best friends with Sodapop
- dislikes Ponyboy
- likes to fix and steal cars
- seventeen years old
- works with Sodapop part-time

2. Socs-
- very rich
- live in the West Side
- own nice cars and have a good education
- get all the rich girls
- like to fight with the Greasers for no reason

- low class
- East Side
- old cars
- poor education
- get in to rodeo fights and fights with the Socs
- always stick together

3. Ponyboy’s relationship between Darry and Sodapop differ because they treat him differently. Darry treats him like he’s a little kid because when Ponyboy is doing his homework, Darry tells him to play football, and when he is playing football, he tells him to do his homework. He is very strict to Ponyboy and tells him what to do, at fourteen years old. Sodapop is laid back, and is always on Ponyboy’s side. When Darry yells at Ponyboy like a child, Sodapop will step in and defend Ponyboy. Darry never disobeys what Sodapop has to say so he would stop.

4. The gang is very important to Johnny because they are his family. This is because his father often abuses Johnny and that causes him to put himself down. Sometimes, Johnny would like to run away from his father, but then remembers what else he has to live for, and that is his real family, the Greasers gang.

5. When Sodapop told Ponyboy that Darry really does love him, he didn’t believe him because he knows that Darry doesn’t really love anyone, except Sodapop. Ponyboy hates Darry for not even showing that he loves him.

6. Yes, I do think Darry loves him but he was just scared to tell him and show him. I know if he didn't love him, he would ignore him, like Johnny's mom does to him, but Darry is always asking about Pony so he doesn't get hurt.

7. I think he means that he never believes in himself so he lie’s to himself when he makes a mistake or doesn’t do the right thing. No, I don’t do that because I have confidence in myself always and I never put myself down when I do something wrong.

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